Professional accreditation

Industry accreditation at IMEX Frankfurt

Education at IMEX can help you secure industry accreditation. Many education sessions offer points towards Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) accreditation. We also offer ICCASkills-accredited sessions.

EIC CMP-accredited education at IMEX

IMEX is approved as a Preferred Provider by the Events Industry Council (EIC). The majority of IMEX education sessions qualify for CMP continuing education credit. 

These can be referred to as Points, Units or Clock hours. The value of the points you can gain for each session is based on session length and rounded to the closest 15 minutes.

During your time at IMEX Frankfurt keep a log of the sessions you attend and how many clock hours you want to claim for. After you’ve attended IMEX, make sure you self-certificate your attendance in your EIC portal to claim your clock hours. These clock hours can also be used for recertification.

Find out more about CMP at EIC on the Events Industry Council website.

ILEA CSEP Approved education at IMEX

A select number of education sessions at IMEX are Certified Special Events Professional (CSEP) Approved. If you're a first time applicant to the certification you can use what you’ve learnt from our education program to prepare for the exam.

You don’t need to report or verify your attendance unlike points-based accreditations.

By attending CSEP Approved IMEX sessions, you can continue your professional education, prepare for your accreditation or contribute to your recertification. 

Learn more about CSEP Approved by the International Live Events Association (ILEA).


Many of our education sessions now count towards ICCASkills accreditations such as Certified International Convention Specialist (CICS) and Certified International Convention Executive (CICE) by ICCASkills.

Discover ICCASkills from the International Congress and Convention Association.

Any questions? Check our FAQs page or contact us: 

Call: +44 (0) 1273 227311
Laura Lewis
Laura Lewis
Senior Knowledge and Events Manager
Tahira Endean
Tahira Endean
Head of Programming
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